Highway car accidents often happen at higher speeds, making severe injuries more likely. Even if you escape serious physical injury, the emotional consequences of an accident on the freeway can be devastating.
The experienced car crash attorneys at Shook & Stone frequently represent survivors of highway car accidents in Las Vegas. We also represent the families of people who were killed in highway crashes.
Do not try to manage a claim without professional assistance. Our lawyers can handle the entire process—from reporting the accident to your insurance company, conducting an investigation and identifying responsible parties to negotiating a reasonable settlement and taking the claim to court, if necessary.
The speed limit on most highways around Las Vegas is 65 or 70 miles per hour, which applies to both cars and trucks. A collision at these speeds can produce devastating injuries, and many such accidents cause fatalities. Seatbelts and airbags are less effective at preventing injuries at high speeds, although they lessen the chance of ejection from the vehicle.
Shook & Stone’s Las Vegas attorneys represent high-speed crash victims with the following severe injuries, among others:
Many people who survive collisions at highway speeds suffer multiple severe injuries.
Serious injuries can require extensive hospital stays and surgical interventions. Some significant injuries permanently limit a victim’s functioning, and their financial losses are often considerable. Most people do not have adequate insurance coverage to pay the costs of a significant injury, so a legal professional tries to identify multiple parties who might have contributed to an incident.
Nevada’s car accident claims system holds the at-fault driver responsible for paying the losses of other involved parties. The at-fault driver’s insurance company pays the claim up to the driver’s coverage limits, but the driver is liable for losses exceeding their policy limits. Unless the at-fault driver has substantial personal assets, a seriously injured person might not receive enough compensation to make a dent in the expenses the injury caused.
A Shook and Stone attorney in Las Vegas would begin investigating an accident immediately to determine whether other parties besides the at-fault driver could have contributed to the accident. If the at-fault driver was working when the wreck occurred, their employer could be liable. If any of the involved vehicles experienced mechanical malfunction or parts were the subject of a recall, the manufacturer could be responsible for the crash.
If the at-fault driver was underage and drunk, Nevada Revised Statute § 41.1305 assigns liability to a social host who knowingly served them alcohol. However, this law does not apply if a licensed establishment serves the underage driver liquor.
Whether you intend it or not, you begin building your car accident claim at the moment the accident occurs. If you remain conscious, do not do anything that could lead insurance investigators to believe you were at fault for the crash, and do not minimize your injuries. Instead, refuse to talk about the accident until you have received medical care at a hospital and spoken to an attorney.
Insurance companies for at-fault drivers might take advantage of you in two ways: they might trick you into admitting responsibility for an accident, and they might exploit your financial anxiety by offering a lowball cash settlement in return for your promise not to sue. Engaging one of the seasoned Las Vegas highway collision attorneys at Shook & Stone immediately after the accident could prevent these harsh outcomes.
A diligent legal professional would handle all communication with insurance companies and other involved parties, preventing any inadvertent admissions. They could engage in negotiations with the responsible parties but insist they negotiate in good faith to pay a reasonable sum according to the severity and impact of your injuries.
Highway car accidents in Las Vegas can cause permanently disabling injuries and death. Even if you are fortunate enough to suffer only minor injuries, the incident is bound to cause inconvenience, expenses, and psychological trauma.
Our dedicated auto collision attorneys at Shook & Stone will work tirelessly to obtain appropriate compensation for your injuries. Reach out to schedule a free consultation at your first opportunity after the crash.