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When referring to Workers’ Compensation, AMW is a crucial factor in determining the benefits an injured worker may receive.
Calculation and Importance:
Concurrent Employment and AMW:
Legal Considerations:
Understanding the Average Monthly Wage is essential for both employees and employers, as it directly impacts the benefits an injured worker may receive in the context of Workers’ Compensation.
Concurrent employment refers to a situation where an individual holds more than one job at the same time. when n employee has concurrent employment, the claimant may be entitled to an increase in average weekly wage and ultimately Workers’ Compensation indemnity benefits based on the combined wages received from both employers.
Calculating wages on your own can be frustrating and challenging. To minimize complications and maximize your benefits, hire a qualified Workers’ Compensation attorney who understands Nevada law. Our legal team at Shook & Stone has extensive knowledge in Nevada’s AMW guidelines. We’re here to reduce your suffering at a difficult time and provide the best outcome. Call us or fill out the form for a free consultation.
*Disclaimer: This calculator does not constitute legal advice. These calculations are only for instructional purposes. If you have been injured in an accident, consult with a personal injury attorney first.