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If you are are interested in applying for Social Security disability payments, even if your claim has been previously denied, please provide your contact information below. We put the power of a real attorney on your side, and there are never any fees unless we win your case.

    Personal Info

    Fill in the required information

    Work Status

    Are you currently working? (If you are on FMLA, collecting paid time off, short term disability or long-term disability benefits answer “No”)

    If you are currently working full time or earn more than substantial and gainful activity thresholds in part time work you may not qualify for Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Benefits. However, we may still be able to represent you now depending on how much you are earning or in the future should your earnings be reduced. Our attorneys are happy to discuss the rules about working and collecting disability with you.
    Did you work 5 out of the last 10 years and pay payroll (FICA) taxes on your earnings during this time?

    It appears you may not meet the Social Security Administration’s requirements for Social Security Disability Benefits. It is possible that you may still qualify for a benefit called Supplemental Security Income.

    Health Status

    Do you have a health condition that prevents you from working?

    If you are able still able to work, you likely do not meet the Social Security Disability requirements. Our attorneys can help you navigate the rules regarding working.
    Have you seen a doctor who agrees your condition is severe enough to keep you from working?

    Do you expect to be off from work for at least one year (including time you have already missed)?

    You must be unable to work for 12 months in a row to qualify for Social Security Disability benefits.

    Social Security Disability Claim Benefits and So much more

    Health care saving
    Health care saving
    Social Security Disability
    Social Security Disability
    Food, Utility, Prescription Saving
    Food, Utility, Prescription Saving
    Medical and credit card Bill savings
    Medical and credit card Bill savings
    Disability Mortgage Savings
    Disability Mortgage Savings

    Do You Know Your Average Monthly Wage (AMW) And Why Is It Important?

    When referring to Workers’ Compensation, AMW is a crucial factor in determining the benefits an injured worker may receive.

    Calculation and Importance:

    • The AMW is a key component in the calculation of Workers’ Compensation benefits. It it used to determine the amount of compensation an injured worker may receive.
    • The AMW is established by the date of hire of the injured worker. there are multiple calculations, and the insurer must use the highest calculation. If the injured worker was employed for one year or more, the insurer must utilize an 84 day wage calculation as well as a 364 day wage calculation. If the injured worker was employed for less than one year, the insured must calculate the full length of the employment and an 84 day wage calculation if applicable. If the injured worker was employed for less than 30 days, the insurer must use a projected wage calculation.

    Concurrent Employment and AMW:

    • Concurrent employment may impact the AMW, for the purpose of calculation the AMW. If the injured worker has a second job, those wages may be included in the AMW, creating a higher value of the claim.
    • If a claimant has concurrent employment, it can mean more indemnity benefits, and the claimant may need to provide written documentary proof of concurrent employment, including paystubs and W2s, if available.

    Legal Considerations:

    • The determination of AMW and its relationship to concurrent employment can involve legal interpretation and may require the involvement of administrative law judges to make fact-specific determinations.

    Understanding the Average Monthly Wage is essential for both employees and employers, as it directly impacts the benefits an injured worker may receive in the context of Workers’ Compensation.

    What Is Concurrent Employment And How Is It Calculated?

    Concurrent employment refers to a situation where an individual holds more than one job at the same time. when n employee has concurrent employment, the claimant may be entitled to an increase in average weekly wage and ultimately Workers’ Compensation indemnity benefits based on the combined wages received from both employers.

    Calculating wages on your own can be frustrating and challenging. To minimize complications and maximize your benefits, hire a qualified Workers’ Compensation attorney who understands Nevada law. Our legal team at Shook & Stone has extensive knowledge in Nevada’s AMW guidelines. We’re here to reduce your suffering at a difficult time and provide the best outcome. Call us or fill out the form for a free consultation.

    *Disclaimer: This calculator does not constitute legal advice. These calculations are only for instructional purposes. If you have been injured in an accident, consult with a personal injury attorney first.