Rear-end collisions occur when a vehicle collides with the back of another vehicle. They often occur at intersections and in stopped traffic, and thankfully, most rear-end collisions occur at slow speeds.
Even so, these accidents can cause lingering and debilitating injuries. You could miss substantial time at work and suffer considerable discomfort and disruption to your routine. A seasoned car crash lawyer could help you obtain appropriate compensation for your losses.
The attorneys at Shook & Stone provide effective representation for people who have suffered injuries in rear-end car accidents in Summerlin. They could collect evidence proving the other driver was negligent and protect your rights and interests during the claims process.
Most rear-end crashes are the fault of the trailing driver. They might be following too closely and not be able to react in time when the forward vehicle slows or stops. Sometimes, a driver waiting in traffic takes their foot off the brake, and their vehicle scoots forward and collides with the car ahead.
However, other times, the forward driver could be responsible for a rear-end collision. They might be at fault if their brake lights are not working. Sometimes, a driver intentionally stops short to frighten a driver following too closely. This tactic backfires when the trailing driver hits them.
When Summerlin police attend a back-end accident and issue a ticket to one of the drivers, the citation is evidence that the driver was negligent and at fault for the crash. In other cases, witness statements, accident scene photographs, driver admissions, and similar evidence will help our attorneys determine who is liable for an injured person’s losses.
Rear-end accidents often do not disable a vehicle or cause injuries that require an ambulance. When a wreck does not result in severe injuries or render one of the vehicles undrivable, the police may not come to the scene. That makes what you do and say after the accident especially important.
Be sure to get the other driver’s registration and insurance information. However, avoid conversation about the collision to limit the chance of making an inadvertent statement that might be misconstrued as an admission of fault. Do not apologize for the accident.
If other people saw the crash, try to get their contact information. Your lawyer could contact them later to hear their recollections of the accident.
Take pictures of both vehicles and the damage to each vehicle from several angles. Be sure to get photos or videos of the accident scene, including street signs, traffic indicators, and nearby landmarks. Embed the pictures with the location, date, and time. If you notice traffic cams or surveillance cameras that might have recorded the crash, make a note of them and their location.
The importance of immediate medical attention cannot be overstated. Rear-end collisions often cause soft-tissue injuries to the neck that may not present symptoms for a few hours or even days after the incident. If you wait to see a doctor, the insurer for the at-fault driver could claim you injured yourself in some other manner and are trying to fraudulently attribute it to the accident. They might also question whether you even have an injury.
A doctor who knows you were just in a back-end accident can screen for indicators of soft tissue injuries and perhaps reduce the severity of symptoms. A medical record generated soon after the accident is critical proof that the accident caused the injuries.
Working with a legal professional on a Summerlin car accident claim is essential to preserve your rights and ensure you receive adequate compensation after a rear-end crash. They could gather evidence proving another party’s negligence and help you document your damages. The earlier in the process you get an attorney involved, the more helpful they can be.
Nevada Revised Statutes § 484E.070(2) requires a driver to report an accident within ten days if it caused injuries or at least $750 in damage. Almost any damage to a vehicle’s body will meet that threshold, so be sure to make the report online if the police did not respond to the scene.
Rear-end car accidents in Summerlin, Rhodes Ranch, Sovana, and Sun City can cause injuries that might force you to miss work or recreational opportunities. Although injuries from these wrecks are rarely permanent, they can be painful and temporarily debilitating.
The driver at fault for the crash is responsible for compensating for these losses. Contact our skilled legal team at Shook & Stone for help managing your claim and negotiating an appropriate settlement. Reach out today.