When the same product injures many people, this can give rise to a type of litigation proceeding known as a mass tort action. These cases can take various forms but often involve victims seeking compensation for wrongdoing perpetrated by a large company like a corporation.
When you are injured by a product that may give you grounds to file a mass tort claim, you should speak with an injury attorney with specific and wide-ranging experience handling these deeply complex matters. A Reno mass torts lawyer at Shook & Stone could evaluate your situation and help you understand what legal steps your injuries may qualify you to take.
Mass tort lawsuits can arise from a range of products that severely injure a wide group of consumers. Common examples of products at the center of mass tort lawsuits include:
Events that impact consumers on a broad scale, such as airbag or motor vehicle recalls, plane crashes, or toxic chemical spills, can also give rise to mass tort actions. If you believe your situation may qualify you to file a mass tort lawsuit, you should speak with a qualified lawyer at our firm in Reno for more information.
Mass tort lawsuits are different from the average personal injury claim, in which one or just a few people are affected, such as in the case of medical malpractice or a motor vehicle accident. People often think mass tort lawsuits are the same as class action lawsuits. The main similarity between these types of cases is that they involve large swaths of injured consumers.
However, in a class action lawsuit, the claims from the injured individuals are compiled into a single case, even though the damages sustained by each individual may vary widely. This has multiple ramifications, not the least of which is that any compensation a judge may eventually award would be split between the injured parties. Although compensation is usually distributed according to the severity of the losses incurred by each person, there is still a significant extent to which the direction of the case is out of their hands.
In a mass tort lawsuit, the claims are consolidated into a process known as multi-district litigation. However, unlike a class action lawsuit where injured people’s cases are grouped into a single claim, each injured party still files their own individual case. This means that any settlement or court award would be based on their specific set of losses. The purpose of multi-district litigation is simply to provide a more expeditious process for multiple injured parties who have been harmed by the same product or service to have their case heard. This means that the cases would all be under the purview of a single federal court, even though injured parties may be filing claims from across the nation.
A Reno mass torts attorney could help individuals filing mass tort actions seek a wide variety of compensation for their injuries. The accidents or events that can give rise to a mass tort lawsuit may inflict severe and devastating financial losses on people.
A successful mass tort action could enable injured parties to recover the value of their financial and physical damages, as well as other losses. A damages award could include:
If you or other people you know have been injured because of a company’s wrongdoing, you may have a claim for monetary damages that would qualify for mass tort litigation. Even though mass tort claims are consolidated for part or all of the lawsuit process, the outcome of each individual action can be different, and any recoverable compensation is awarded on a case-by-case basis.
A Reno mass torts lawyer at Shook & Stone could explain your rights and the most appropriate legal process to proceed with your case. To speak with a knowledgeable attorney about filing a mass tort claim, call us today for your free, one-on-one legal consultation.