Helpful Tips for Halloween Safety
Halloween is a holiday enjoyed by people of all ages. Whether you have plans to take the children trick-or-treating, attend a costume party, or hit the town for some Vegas fun, it is always important that you make safety a priority. Just as with any holiday, Halloween sees higher rates of preventable accidents, injuries, and deaths than most other days. To help keep you and your loves safe come October 31st, our personal injury attorneys have put together a list of a few important safety tips.
- Safety on the Streets – Neighborhoods and streets are very busy come Halloween night. If you’re trick-or-treating with the kids, make sure to speak with them about sticking to the sidewalks, using crosswalks, and looking both ways before crossing. Keep an eye out for vehicle traffic and take a flashlight along to help you see and be seen. Tripping accidents are common on Halloween, so do your part to keep others safe by making sure your property is well-lit.
- Choosing Costumes – When choosing costumes for children or for yourself, keep safety in mind. Watch out for costumes with tripping hazards and costumes made out of materials that may be flammable. Wear comfortable shoes if you plan on walking a lot and test any make-up or special effects products on a small area of skin before applying to your face.
- Pumpkin Carving – Emergency rooms see quite a few injuries that occur when children and families are carving jack-o-lanterns. Make sure your child is able to able to safely carve a pumpkin and choose specialized tools or pumpkin carving kits over standard knives. These tools are made specifically for pumpkin carving and are less likely to get stuck.
- Drunk Driving – People like to drink alcohol on holidays and Halloween is no different. In fact, Halloween sees some of the highest rates of alcohol-related accidents of any day during the year. Be sure to be on the lookout for drunk drivers if you’re a motorist or a pedestrian. If you plan on drinking, do so responsibly, designate a sober driver, or plan a ride.
Shook & Stone hopes that you and yours have a safe Halloween. As a firm that has been fighting on behalf of injured victims and families since 1997, we are always here to help should you or someone in your family suffer preventable harm.