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6 Tips for Driving in Rain & Wet Weather

6 Tips for Driving in Rain & Wet Weather

Car diving in the rain

The rainy season is here and with it comes an increase in traffic accidents. Because poor weather conditions can have such a dangerous impact on roadway safety, it is important for all motorists on the road to make safety their number one priority.

At Shook & Stone, we have helped many clients who were injured in car accidents that took place during periods of wet conditions – and we’ve seen how even the slightest errors and instances of negligence can significantly increase risks during these times. To help area drivers stay safe on wet roads this season, we’ve put together a list of wet weather driving safety tips.

1. Be Prepared

Wet roads will always increase the risk for accidents, especially if it’s the first rain in a while. This is why it’s important to be prepared by checking your car’s windshield wipers, defrosters, brake pedal, tires, headlights, tail lights, brake lights and turn signals. You can also prepare yourself by brushing up on wet weather driving maneuvers.

2. Increase Your Following Distance

When it’s raining or when the roads are still wet after a storm, you should always increase your following safe distance. Experts recommend doubling or even tripling the distance between you and the car in front of you to be safe.

3. Slow Down

It takes longer to stop and maneuver on wet roads, and traffic is often much less predictable, so slowing down is a must! Make sure you also keep a lookout for intersections and turns and give yourself extra time to slow down, stop, and turn when necessary.

4. Know What to Do if You Skid

If your vehicle begins to skid, it’s important to stay calm and gently ease off the gas pedal while turning into the direction you want the vehicle to go. If your car does not have anti-lock brakes, avoid using your brakes.

5. Keep Your Lights On

It’s important to always keep your lights on in wet conditions and gloomy weather, even if you feel that you don’t need them to see. Keeping your lights on will help you stay more visible to other motorists and pedestrians. If you have your windshield wipers on, your lights should be on as well.

6. Pay Attention

While paying attention to the road is something you should always do, it becomes even more important when things get wet. Taking your eyes off the slick road to look at your phone or driving while impaired can be even more dangerous when it’s raining. Do yourself and others around you a favor and make driving your main priority.

Shook & Stone: Your Accident Attorneys

These are only a few tips that can help you stay safe when driving in heavy rains or on wet roads. Our accident attorneys are always available to discuss any cases where victims were injured at the fault of others.

From handling insurance claims to taking your case to court if need be, we are here to help. Contact Shook & Stone today to speak with a Las Vegas personal injury lawyer.