10 Tips on Dealing with Insurance Companies After a Car Accident
10 Tips on Dealing with Insurance Companies after an Accident
It doesn’t matter how careful you are, or how good of a driver you think you may be, one day it is possible for anyone to be involved in an auto accident. It may not seem like it at the time, but it’s really very likely. After being involved in a car accident, insurance companies become a guiding force that helps navigate you through the process of obtaining complete and total justice. They may not be the most reliable source, but they are a necessary one. It’s important to know more about dealing with insurance companies after a car accident, in order to ensure that you get all that is coming to you.
1.) Document Everything
The first thing you need to do when involved in an accident is to take pictures of everything. This includes taking pictures of your vehicle, the other person’s car and license plates, the surrounding area and any physical damage that can be seen by eye. Immediately after an accident it may not be clear who was at fault due to some witnesses statements or miscommunication between yourself and others involved; pictures can help save you the trouble of going through courtroom drama.
2.) Know When to Not Share
There is a fine line between providing too much and not enough information to your insurance company after an accident; remember, you are talking to someone who works for the same business as the other person involved in the car accident that injured you or damaged your vehicle. Give them everything they ask for and give it to them quickly. The faster they have the information the faster they can begin processing your case and get you what you are entitled to in a timely manner.
3.) Never Go Above and Beyond
Never go over what is asked of you. If an insurance agent or representative asks for certain documents, give them exactly that with no more and no less; do not give them false documents or information hoping that they will miss it. This can be used against you in court, leaving you with less than what is fair for your case.
4.) Be Careful on The Phone
The same idea goes for phone conversations; make sure you are always giving the insurance company the correct information and exactly what they ask for to avoid having a misunderstanding later on.
5.) Do Not Let the Insurance Company Mislead You
Never be misled by anyone in an insurance company to running out and getting a medical exam or physical done immediately after an accident; wait until the scene is reviewed, your car checked for any damages and all other important information has been gathered. It will save you money in the long run if you get a complete picture of what really happened and all the damages that are visible.
6.) Hire A Lawyer – If You are Injured, Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer
You must, absolutely 100% must; get a law firm to represent you in dealing with your insurance company after an accident. It is wise to hire someone who has no conflict of interest or connections with your insurance company so they do not have any incentive to steer you away from one thing or another.
7.) Be Very Careful on What You Sign
Before meeting with any legal representatives of your insurance company, or anyone asking you to sign anything after an accident, make sure you have a complete understanding of what you are signing and the repercussions that come with it; this includes being clear on how much money you will be receiving in total for your injuries/damages and if there is a clause that you are signing to prevent you from taking the other party or parties, who were in fault for your accident, to court.
8.) Stay Calm, But Act Accordingly
Breakdowns are bound to occur after being involved in an auto accident; however, it’s important that you do not let one get out of hand and keep yourself on top of everything by communicating with your lawyer and insurance company. There is nothing worse than being left in a state of limbo after an accident that will affect you for the rest of your life.
9.) Educate Yourself on The Law
It is good to know what your rights are and what options you have when going through this process, as it can very tricky with the right legal support from someone who knows the ins and outs of how insurance companies work. Knowing your legal rights is the best way to ensure you will not be left with any uncertainty or surprises; there are many cases where people have received less than what they deserved because they didn’t know what their options were or, even worse, signed a contract that would leave them with nothing.
10.) Get A Free Consultation from an Accident Lawyer
Lastly, never forget that you are a human being who has been injured or had your property damaged and deserve fair compensation for what happened to you; do not let the insurance company make you feel less by giving you any doubt that you won’t receive what is fair for your troubles; they have their job to do and so do you. Always trust that your case is in good hands and, with the help of a lawyer, you will get what you deserve.
Shook & Stone is a personal injury law firm located in Nevada with 30 years of experience in helping car accident victims get the compensation they deserve after being injured by someone else’s negligence. Call us today at (702) 570-0000 for a free consultation or contact us.