After suffering an injury or illness that results in physical impairment, or if you suffer from a mental disorder, you may not be able to return to work. If this is the case, you may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits. Las Vegas SSDI benefits are available for an employee who has worked long enough for an employer that offered coverage and who had been working recently in covered employment prior to the disability.
Spouses of disabled workers may be eligible for benefits, as well, if they have at least one child under the age of 16 or a disabled child in their care or if they are at least 62 years old. This also applies to a divorced spouse if the marriage lasted at least ten years. In addition, children of disabled workers can receive benefits if they are a minor or a high school student under the age of 19. Learn more by scheduling a free consultation with a seasoned SSDI attorney at Shook & Stone.
Without financial assistance through Social Security, you could face extreme financial hardship due to loss of income and raised medical bills. Physical and mental disabilities can have a harsh impact on your quality of life and the lives of your family, but SSDI benefits in Las Vegas could help. Don’t take chances when it comes to Social Security disability. Hire a qualified Social Security disability lawyer right away!
Our firm is prepared to assist you with any Social Security disability matter, from filing a claim to appealing the decision. The Social Security disability process is complex, but a Las Vegas SSDI benefits lawyer from Shook & Stone will have the knowledge and skill to guide you through each step. We have handled all types of SSDI cases and will work together with you to ensure that you obtain fair benefits. Your initial case evaluation is free, so contact us today to schedule an appointment!