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When to Contact a Birth Injury Attorney

When to Contact a Birth Injury Attorney

Infant brain damage can lead to severe physical and cognitive harm, a lifetime of disability, and even death. Some birth injuries occur due to the natural trauma of the birthing process. Others, however, can be attributed to negligence, reckless behavior, or failure by medical professionals to follow proper procedures and exercise appropriate care during delivery.

In cases of serious birth injury, it may be up to you to know if your child’s birth injury occurred due to medical malpractice. Armed with an understanding of the different types of birth injuries and how they happen, you can quickly take action against responsible parties. In order to help you do so, we’re here to help you identify birth injuries that could be the result of medical malpractice. The most common forms of preventable birth injuries due to malpractice include:

  • Cerebral palsy
  • Paralysis (including facial paralysis)
  • Infections (In many cases, these are a direct cause of a doctor’s failure to appropriately diagnose and treat maternal infections before birth)
  • Intracranial bleeding and subcutaneous bleeding on the head
  • Bruising on head and neck from forceps
  • Damage to spinal cord

The complete list of potential birth injuries is much longer, and the effects of such injuries are farther-reaching than you might expect. If you or your child are injured during birth, you could face a lifetime of hospital visits, therapy, expensive medications, and more (not to mention the emotional and psychological trauma that such suffering can cause). If you see evidence of a birth injury, especially if it appears to be serious, get in touch with a Las Vegas birth injury attorney right away.

Talk to the Experienced Birth Injury Lawyers in Las Vegas

If you or your child have sustained an injury during the birth process, it may have been caused by the oversight or improper professional behavior of your physician. By holding the responsible parties accountable for the damage done to you, your child, and your family, you may be able to pursue compensation for damages, including pain and suffering. You don’t have to foot the bill for someone else’s mistake, especially when it comes to the health and wellbeing of your child. At Shook & Stone, we know that money doesn’t make the health consequences of a serious birth injury disappear, but we do believe it can minimize your overall suffering by not placing an undue financial burden on your family.

Let us help. Call us at (702) 385-2220 right away or fill out this short online form to request a free consultation today.