Professional Las Vegas Fighters to Benefit from New Brain Injury Research Study
Professional Las Vegas Fighters to Benefit from New Brain Injury Research Study

A History of ‘Punch Drunk’ Fighters

The term “punch drunk” has become increasingly common in recent years, but it has a long history.

Originally used to describe boxers who had suffered from head trauma due to the cumulative effect of blows from their opponents, “punch drunk” is now strongly associated with Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), a degenerative disease that can result from long-term exposure to recurrent head trauma.

“Research has shown that recurrent blows to the head may result in permanent brain damage in some fighters,” said Charles Bernick, M.D., Associate Medical Director at the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health and principal investigator on the study. “Through this relationship with boxing, we hope to improve the safety of the next generation of fighters through early brain health assessments.”


Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) And Boxing

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy is most commonly associated with boxing due to the large number of punches and strikes that fighters take during their careers.

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy can cause a range of physical and mental health issues including memory loss, difficulty concentrating, impaired judgment, depression, cognitive decline, aggression, impulsivity, and dementia.

What Research Is Being Conducted to Learn About Risks to Professional Fighters?

The Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, in cooperation with the Nevada State Athletic Commission and boxing and mixed martial arts promoters, is conducting a new study that could tell professional fighters when they should retire lest they sustain permanent brain damage, according to the Las Vegas Review Journal.

Since Las Vegas is considered the boxing capital of the world and is home to Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) mixed martial arts fighters, it is the natural location for this study.

The task of this research study is to monitor fighter’s brains over a period of four years to get a better understanding of cumulative trauma and its effects on brain function.

This study may also be used as objective data that licensing commissions can use to determine whether a fighter should continue fighting after a bad beating or knockout.

The results of this study could be a major step forward in helping to protect the fighters who risk their lives in the ring. If a fighter’s brain scans show that he is at risk, then it could provide an objective reason for licensing commissions to suspend the fighter until further tests can be done.

This could help to save fighters from suffering permanent damage and protect them from making bad decisions when it comes to their career. The research team is hopeful that the results of this study will help to better protect active fighters from suffering permanent brain damage.

Potential long-term benefits for Las Vegas fighters could be invaluable, as the data collected will help to inform licensing commissions and promoters when it comes to fighter safety.

The fighters that volunteer for this study will be subject to annual MRI brain scans, in addition to physical exams as well as speech and cognitive tests in order to monitor how head trauma suffered in the ring affects brain activity.

The study plans to track the fighters’ brain activity while they compete in the ring and also after they have finished fighting.

Researchers hope that this information can be used to help make boxing and mixed martial arts safer by providing objective data that licensing commissions can use to determine when a fighter should stop participating in professional fights.

This research could also provide insight into how head trauma affects a fighter’s cognitive abilities and alert medical staff to any potential danger signs before it is too late.

In order to participate in the study, fighters must volunteer and be licensed by the Nevada State Athletic Commission.

The fighters will also need to undergo a baseline evaluation of cognitive and physical abilities prior to competing as well as annual follow-up exams after each fight. Cognitive scores , MRI brain scans,          and blood samples will be used to monitor the fighters’ brain function over time during follow up visits.

The results of this new research study could be invaluable for professional Las Vegas fighters who are at risk from suffering permanent brain damage due to head trauma in the ring. The study aims to provide objective data that can be used by licensing commissions and promoters when it comes to making

While the results of this study are still years away, it could have a huge impact on the safety of professional fighters in Las Vegas and across the world.

Sports and other recreational activities can take their toll on the body. Sometimes, the activity itself can cause brain injury, as it is with boxing and mixed martial arts, but, in other instances, it is the negligent, reckless, or wrongdoing of another that causes injury.

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury in Nevada and you believe another’s negligence or wrongdoing to be the cause, the experienced Las Vegas traumatic brain injury lawyers at Shook & Stone can determine the validity of your claim and help you understand your legal options. Call us today at 702-570-0000 for a free consultation.