Metoo Clip-on Baby Chairs Recalled for Falling Hazard
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has issued a nationwide voluntary recall for about 9,500 “Metoo” clip-on baby chairs because of potential falling hazards. According to a FOX 5 news report, the chairs made by Phil&Teds USA Inc., have clamp pads that can detach from a variety of table surfaces and cause the clip-on chair and the infant to fall.
There is also the risk of amputation injuries if the child’s fingers get caught in the “Metoo” clip-on chair unit’s defective clamp. The clamp’s upper part rests on the tabletop and may have a rubber pad or rubber boot covering it. These chair units present a continuing risk of injury to children.
At the time of the report, five children had been injured as a result of these table clamps. Owners of chairs are asked to request a complimentary repair kit from the manufacturer. [1]
Reasons Why Baby Products Get Recalled
A product may be recalled if it has a design flaw or manufacturing defect. In some cases, a hazardous product can also be recalled for defective marketing, which is when a product does not do what it is supposed to do or when a manufacturer fails to notify the consumer of a potential hazard.
Defective design is when a product is inherently dangerous because of the way in which it was designed. Defective manufacturing is when a sample of the product is defective because of mistakes made during the assembly or manufacturing of the product.
Product Liability: Understanding Your Rights as a Consumer
Product manufacturers have a legal obligation to provide reasonably safe products. When they fail to do so, they may be held liable, should any injuries be suffered by consumers. Victims who have been injured due to a product defect may file product liability claims to pursue losses such as medical bills, past and future suffering, and lost wages.
When a product is recalled, it is important for consumers to take the necessary steps to return it and get their money back. Consumers should also make sure to stay up-to-date on product national recalls by visiting CPSC’s website and subscribing to recall notifications.
What to Do If Your Baby Has Been Injured by a Defective Product?
- Seek medical attention immediately for any injuries sustained.
- Preserve the product and any related packaging, user instructions, or receipts from online sites.
- Contact the manufacturer or seller of the product to report the defect and discuss your options.
- Consider consulting with a personal injury & product lawyer to determine your legal rights and options for seeking compensation.
Have you or someone you know been affected by a defective product such as the Metoo clip-on baby chair?
Shook & Stone defective product lawyers are here to help. With years of experience and a track record of success, our team will fight for your rights and hold manufacturers accountable for their negligence.
The defective product attorneys in Las Vegas at Shook & Stone have a long history of successfully handling a wide variety of product liability claims. If a defective product has injured you or a loved one, please call our law offices at 702-570-0000 to schedule a free consultation or obtain more information about pursuing your legal rights.
[1] CPSC.gov. (2023, May 23). U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. https://www.cpsc.gov/s3fs-public/2011rpt.pdf