What NOT to do at your FCE test
As we have covered in the past in “Things to Know Before Completing Your FCE Test“, A Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) is an assessment of an individual’s ability to perform work activities. It provides information about functional limitations and capacities, which can be used to determine if the individual can safely return to work.
There are a few things that you should avoid doing during your FCE test in order to get the most accurate results.
1. Don’t try to “fake it till you make it”
It is important that you be honest during the entire assessment. The whole point of the FCE is to find out what your functional abilities and limitations are so that an appropriate job can be found for you. If you try to act like you are more capable than you are, the FCE will not be able to accurately assess your abilities and could result in you being placed in a job that is too demanding for you.
2. Don’t try to “push through the pain”
If you are in pain during the FCE, let the testers know. The whole point of the test is to find out what your abilities are while you are working under normal conditions. If you push yourself too hard, you could end up exacerbating your injuries and making your condition worse.
3. Don’t try to do more than you are asked
During the FCE, you will be asked to complete a variety of tasks. It is important that you only do what you are asked and don’t try to do more. If you try to do more than what is required, you could end up skewing the results of the test.
4. Don’t try to second guess the tester
The tester is trained to assess your abilities and will be looking for specific things during the FCE. It is important that you don’t try to second guess what they are looking for. If you do, you could end up doing something that is not relevant to the test and could skew the results.
5. Don’t try to compare yourself to others
Each person is different and will have their own unique abilities and limitations. It is important that you don’t compare yourself to others who are taking the FCE. Everyone is different and will be assessed based on their own individual abilities.
6. Don’t try to do more than you are physically or mentally capable of
It is important that you only do what you are physically and mentally capable of. If you try to do more, you could end up putting yourself in danger.
The FCE is a valuable tool that can be used to assess your abilities and help you find an appropriate job. It is important that you avoid doing these things during the test in order to get the most accurate results.
If you live in Las Vegas or Reno Nevada and need an experienced workers’ compensation attorney call us at (702) 570-0000 or fill out the form for a free consultation.