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Watch: Researchers Record Distracted Teens Involved in Crashes

Watch: Researchers Record Distracted Teens Involved in Crashes

The month of April is officially known as National Distracted Driving Awareness Month – an important time of year that can help us remember just how dangerous driver distraction is. In America, for example, distractions behind the wheel cause thousands of preventable accidents, injuries, and deaths each year.

As part of the awareness campaign, researchers from the AAA Traffic Safety Foundation have released the findings of a study focusing on distracted driving among teen motorists – the age group most likely to be involved in a distracted driving accident, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Here are a few details about the AAA study:

  • Researchers from the foundation worked with hundreds of participants to install video cameras in vehicles driven by teens. They ultimately reviewed thousands of these videos, which show drivers behind the wheel and outside road conditions.
  • According to their findings, researchers noted that driver distraction played a role in almost 60% of teen car crashes. This is over 4 times rates based on police reports.
  • Having passengers in the vehicle was cited as the most common distraction among teen drivers. Other forms of distraction noted in the study included text messaging and using cellphones, adjusting music, eating and drinking, and personal grooming.

The study speaks volumes about the dangers of distracted driving – and it should encourage all parents and teens to make every effort possible to avoid distractions when behind the wheel. At Shook & Stone, we’d like to remind all residents throughout Las Vegas and Nevada that texting and handheld use of cell phones are banned for drivers of all ages.

You can watch video footage of distracted teens moments before crashes below. If you have questions after being involved in an auto accident involving a distracted driver, contact our Las Vegas car accident lawyers for a FREE consultation.