Shook & Stone Strongly Opposes AB 229, and Urges You to Help Us Protect the Rights of Nevada’s Workers
Shook & Stone has represented workers with their workers’ compensation claims for nearly twenty years. We remain on the lookout for dangerous legislation that threatens our clients in this area.
The latest assault on workers’ rights in Nevada comes in the form of AB 229, a bill seeking to limit the rights of workers in favor of corporate and insurance interests.
The proposed bill will hurt working Nevadans when they need help the most, by limiting their rights to reopen claims if their conditions worsen. The proposed bill further absolves employers from the consequences of committing gross misconduct, allowing them to place their workers in harm’s way.
Pursuant to Nevada Law, companies obtain coverage to protect workers injured on the job. This coverage, which has already been watered down through years of insurance lobbying, is extremely important, providing money and benefits to workers suffering from job-related injuries or conditions.
At Shook & Stone, We firmly believe that injured workers should be given a fair opportunity to receive appropriate benefits and return to work with dignity. Unfortunately, the Nevada State Legislature is threatening to side with big business and the insurance industry, to place profits over the well-being of workers.
Will we allow politicians to absolve companies from their obligation to provide a safe workplace? Will we continue to allow them to chip away at our workers’ compensation system?
Here are some of the dangers of AB 229:
- It seeks to reduce the amount of benefits Nevada Workers are entitled to if they are injured on the job.
- It creates an incentive for employers to discriminate against injured employees
- It strips away the rights of workers
- It will benefit insurance companies, not workers
Help us remind our representatives that they serve the people of Nevada, not corporate lobbyists, by telling them you oppose Assembly Bill 229.
Click through on the following link and tell the Legislature that you oppose AB 229. Tell your representatives that your civil rights matter. The Nevada Legislature is considering AB 229 right now. Don’t let corporate lobbyists drown out the voice of Nevada’s workers! Please act now!