Nevada Texting While Driving Laws Explained
Today, the dangers of texting and other forms of cell phone use while driving are well known. As one of the most dangerous forms of distracted driving, text messaging behind the wheel is a simple action that has serious risks. Plenty of statistics and studies conducted throughout the years have made it clear just how dangerous texting while driving is:
- A Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) study discovered texting while driving increases the risk of a collision by as much as 23 times.
- In 2015 alone, over 3,400 people were killed in auto accidents involving a distracted driver and roughly hundreds of thousands more were injured.
- Handheld cell phone use and text messaging pose the highest risks of accidents.
In response to the toll distracted driving has had on public roadways, many states – and even cities and local municipalities – have implemented laws that limit or ban texting and other cell phone use behind the wheel. Today, a total of 47 states – as well as the District of Columbia – ban text messaging for all drivers.
What Are Nevada’s Texting Laws?
- Texting, accessing the internet, and using a hand-held phone while driving is illegal in Nevada for drivers of all ages (under NRS 484B.165).
- Drivers found in violation of this law may face a $50 fine for the first offense. A second offense within 7 years may result in a $100 fine; a third or subsequent offense may result in a $250 fine.
- Second or subsequent offenses also carry 4 demerit points, which are applied to a driver’s record and may result in license suspension or revocation if too many points are accumulated within a certain period of time.
- There are some exceptions: while making voice calls with a hands-free headset, drivers may touch their phones to “activate, deactivate or initiate a feature or function on the device.” Other exceptions may include emergency situations where a driver is reporting a medical emergency, safety hazard, or crime.
Nevada takes a tough stance against distracted driving by prohibiting all motorists from texting or using a hand-held device while driving. These laws are primary laws, which means law enforcement officers have the ability to ticket motorists for a violation, even if no other traffic offense was committed. In some states, officers are only able to issue distracted driving citations when a driver has been pulled over for another violation, such as speeding.
Doing Our Part to Stop Distracted Driving
At Shook & Stone, we strongly urge all drivers to obey the rules of the road and refrain from texting or using their phones while driving. Having helped many car accident victims throughout Las Vegas and the state of Nevada, including many who were harmed by distracted drivers, we know all too well that a text or call is never worth it. Fortunately, victims harmed in these accidents have rights when it comes to holding negligent and distracted motorists liable for the damages they suffer – including their medical expenses (past and future), lost work wages, and pain and suffering, among others.
If you have questions about distracted driving accidents and your legal rights following an injury-causing crash, our Las Vegas car accident attorneys are available to discuss your case during a FREE consultation. Learn whether you are entitled to compensation for your damages.