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Nevada Governor Declares May Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

Nevada Governor Declares May Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month


Motorcycle riders are some of the most vulnerable people on the road and are often injured or killed in traffic accidents. Because the statistics surrounding motorcycle accidents and injuries are so alarming, safety advocates go to great lengths to remind the public about the importance of sharing the road. As part of this effort, cities and states throughout the country have declared May to be Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.

At the end of April, Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval officially proclaimed the month of May as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. In his proclamation, Governor Sandoval cited that Nevada is a popular attraction for motorcycle riders, both for recreation and commuting. In an effort to reduce the number of preventable motorcycle accidents, injuries, and fatalities on the school districts, he highlighted the need for:

  • Increased safety education for riders
  • Proper safety equipment and gear
  • Reductions in drunk driving / drunk riding
  • A stronger focus on defensive riding
  • Awareness for all motorists to safely share the road

Safe operation, increased rider training, and motorist awareness via public meetings are the focal points of Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. To accomplish this, motorcycle clubs and organizations will be working hand-in-hand with highway safety officials, the Office of Traffic Safety, and the Nevada Department of Transportation.

Source: Department of Public Safety, Nevada

The Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents (And How to Avoid Them)

  • The most common cause of motorcycle accidents is not being seen by other drivers. Riders should wear bright, reflective clothing and use headlights during the day.
  • Speeding and reckless driving: Riders should always obey traffic laws and ride at a safe speed.
  • Taking turns too quickly or incorrectly is another common cause of accidents. Riders should slow down before entering a turn and lean into the turn to maintain control.
  • Riding under the influence of drugs or alcohol: Riders should never ride after drinking or using drugs.

How to Get Compensation After a Nevada Motorcycle Accident?

Getting compensation after a motorcycle accident in Nevada requires knowledge of the laws and legal process. It can be a confusing and intimidating process, but with the right guidance, you can navigate it successfully.

  • Seek medical attention immediately following the accident.
  • Collect evidence, including photos and witness statements.
  • Contact a personal injury attorney who specializes in motorcycle accidents.
  • File a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company or consider filing a lawsuit.

Shook & Stone: Your Personal Injury Attorneys in Nevada

At Shook & Stone, our Las Vegas personal injury attorneys have worked with many victims and families who have been affected by preventable motorcycle accidents. We have seen just how tremendously these tragedies can affect riders and their loved ones, and we support new efforts to increase awareness about motorcycle safety.

If you or someone you know has recently been injured in a motorcycle accident and would like to learn more about your right to compensation, call 702-570-0000 for a FREE consultation.