John Shook y Leonard Stone

Luchando por usted, con experiencia y autoridad

Con más de 25 años de legislación sobre lesiones, nunca luchará solo para obtener el dinero y el respeto que se merece.

    Hi, my name is Lupe.

    Together, we’ll see if you qualify then create a plan to get you benefits. It takes less than 3 minutes.

    Hi, my name is Aaron.

    Together, we’ll see if you qualify then create a plan to get you benefits. It takes less than 3 minutes.


      Have you applied for disability benefits?

      Have you applied or been denied in the last 60 days?

      First up, your claim

      You’re on your way to disability coverage! You’ll learn if you qualify and get an advisor to help with your claim today.

      Your claim

      You’ll have to restart, as it’s been over 60 days since your initial application. We can help with your application and get an advisor for your claim today.

      First up, your claim

      You’re on your way to disability coverage! You’ll learn if you qualify and get an advisor to help with your claim today.

      Got it. What’s happened so far?

      We're here to help

      Shook & Stone connects you with a disability client advocate to 3x your chance of having your application approved. All for free!

      Are you working right now?

      Got it. Is your job full-time?

      We're sorry.

      We can only help people who haven’t qualified for benefits yet.

      If you've been receiving benefits but have a problem — like a continuing disability review, overpayment, or rescission — you'll need to seek help elsewhere.

      In the meantime, stay up to date with the latest at Shook & Stone by signing up for our newsletter:

      We're sorry.

      The government is very strict about granting disability benefits, and to qualify you have to be too sick to hold a full-time job, even if you could get one. We’re sorry we can’t be more help.

      If you’re working but plan to stop soon, please come back so we can get you the benefits you deserve.

      Stay up to date with the latest at Shook & Stone by signing up for our newsletter:

      Okay. Do you earn more than $250/week?

      We're sorry.

      We can only help people who aren’t working or work very little. Sadly, the government will only consider your application if you earn less than $1,550 per month (before taxes).

      If you’re working but plan to stop soon, please come back so we can get you the benefits you deserve.

      Stay up to date with the latest at Shook & Stone by signing up for our newsletter:

      If you were offered a full-time job with good pay, could you take it?

      We're sorry.

      The government is very strict about granting disability benefits, and to qualify you have to be too sick to hold a full-time job, even if you could get one. We’re sorry we can’t be more help.

      If you’re working but plan to stop soon, please come back so we can get you the benefits you deserve.

      Stay up to date with the latest at Shook & Stone by signing up for our newsletter:

      Since 2014, how many years have you worked and paid taxes?

      Are you married to someone who works?

      You’re not alone

      Over 10 million people got disability

      payments from the government in 2020.

      We're sorry.

      You likely don’t qualify for Disability benefits. This tool is designed to help people apply for two programs: SSDI and SSI. SSDI requires you to have worked five years out of the last ten. SSI requires you to have few assets and no income.

      You told us that you don’t meet either of those criteria. Sadly, that likely means you don’t qualify for either program.

      Stay up to date with the latest at Shook & Stone by signing up for our newsletter:

      Do you have less than $3000 in savings?

      Is a lawyer currently representing you for a disability claim?

      We're sorry.

      Based on your answers, you may qualify for the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. However, we can only help adults who have submitted an application and been denied by the government.

      If you have not yet submitted an application, you can do so here. If you receive a denial letter and want to appeal, we would love to help. Please come back to and we will help you get the benefits you deserve.

      Stay up to date with the latest at Shook & Stone by signing up for our newsletter:

      We're sorry.

      You likely don’t qualify for Disability benefits. This tool is designed to help people apply for two programs: SSDI and SSI. SSDI requires you to have worked five years out of the last ten. SSI requires you to have few assets and no income.

      You told us that you don’t meet either of those criteria. Sadly, that likely means you don’t qualify for either program.

      Stay up to date with the latest at Shook & Stone by signing up for our newsletter:

      We're sorry.

      We can only help people who haven’t had a representative for their claim before. You should continue to work with your current rep for now.

      If you plan to find new help, please come back once you’re no longer represented by someone else.

      Stay up to date with the latest at Shook & Stone by signing up for our newsletter:

      Have you ever gotten disability payments from Social Security?

      We're sorry.

      We can only help people who haven’t qualified for benefits yet.

      If you've been receiving benefits but have a problem — like a continuing disability review, overpayment, or rescission — you'll need to seek help elsewhere. Here are two resources we recommend:

      1. Use this tool to find your local legal aid office, which may be able to help with your case for free.

      2. Call NOSSCR’s referral service, which can help you find a private attorney, at 845-682-1881

      Stay up to date with the latest at Shook & Stone by signing up for our newsletter:

      Fast, efficient help

      Once you qualify, we'll connect you with

      a lawyer within a day

      What age group are you in?

      This helps us understand how much you qualify for. We won’t share it, we promise!

      We're sorry.

      You likely don’t qualify for Disability benefits. Americans under the age of 18 aren’t eligible for coverage and those over age 66 don’t qualify for these benefits; instead, they get Social Security Retirement Benefits.

      If you’re not yet receiving retirement benefits, visit the Social Security Administration’s website to apply.

      Stay up to date with the latest at Shook & Stone by signing up for our newsletter:

      What’s your ZIP code?

      We’ll use your location to evaluate your claim and match you with an expert who knows your area. We keep your information confidential, and never share or sell it.

      Your health

      We need to know about the conditions causing your disability to give you the best advice.

      Does a serious medical problem keep you from working?

      Peace of mind

      We’ll help you navigate the lengthy application or appeal process.

      We're sorry.

      You likely don’t qualify for Disability benefits. Social Security Disability is designed only for people with severe medical problems that are expected to last more than one year.

      Stay up to date with the latest at Shook & Stone by signing up for our newsletter:

      How often do you visit a doctor?

      Will you be able to return to work in the next 12 months?

      We're sorry.

      You likely don’t qualify for Disability benefits right now. In order to receive help, you need recent medical records to support your case. You’ll need to see a doctor and get updated proof of your disability before we can help with your case.

      Stay up to date with the latest at Shook & Stone by signing up for our newsletter:

      Connect with us

      Next, connect with your client advocate to build a personalized plan for getting covered—100% free.

      We're sorry.

      You likely don’t qualify for Disability benefits. Social Security Disability is designed only for people with severe medical problems that are expected to last more than one year.

      Stay up to date with the latest at Shook & Stone by signing up for our newsletter:

      You qualify for disability benefits!

      We'll help you fill out your application as quickly, painlessly, and effectively as possible.

      What's next?

      Our team will answer any disability questions via phone, text, or email.
      After we review your case, we'll connect you with the right legal team.
      You can 3x your chances of getting disability benefits with legal help.

      Connect with us

      Abogado de discapacidad de Las Vegas

      Las personas que viven, trabajan e invierten su sustento en Las Vegas son la razón por la que nuestra ciudad es tan grandiosa. Nuestros incansables residentes trabajan día y noche para brindarle a Las Vegas una singularidad que no puede encontrar en ninguna otra ciudad del mundo. Pero todo lo bueno de vivir en Las Vegas puede verse interrumpido cuando usted o un ser querido sufre una enfermedad inesperada, una lesión ocupacional o un accidente repentino en Nevada.

      Cuando eso sucede, solicitar el Seguro de Incapacidad del Seguro Social y recibir el Seguro de Incapacidad del Seguro Social (SSDI) o la Seguridad de Ingreso Suplementario (SSI) lo antes posible es un paso vital que debe tomar para volver a encarrilar su vida, y Shook y StoneLos abogados de discapacidad del Seguro Social de Las Vegas son los abogados de discapacidad comprobados en los que puede confiar para obtener el pago adecuado de SSDI o SSI del estado de Nevada.

      Resultados que marcan la diferencia

      $19 MILLONES
      Accidente de construcción
      $4,6 MILLONES
      Accidente automovilístico
      $3.4 MILLONES
      Accidente de peatones

      Programar una consulta gratuita

      750 millones de dólares

      Llame hoy a nuestros abogados de discapacidad al (702) 570-0000 si está solicitando a la Administración del Seguro Social (SSA) beneficios por discapacidad del Seguro Social o se le ha negado el Seguro de Discapacidad del Seguro Social (SSDI) o el Ingreso de Seguridad Suplementario (SSI) del estado. de Nevada.

      Los casos de SSD pueden ser muy complejos. Los procedimientos de SSD implican una gran cantidad de trabajo legal denso, numerosos requisitos de elegibilidad y muchas regulaciones federales. Dependiendo de si su discapacidad es temporal o permanente, sus pagos de SSD pueden realizarse de forma temporal o permanente.

      Asistencia legal calificada para solicitantes de SSD

      En Shook & Stone, hemos trabajado con numerosos clientes lesionados que tenían una necesidad genuina de asistencia financiera. Sus discapacidades o enfermedades les impedían trabajar y contribuían a una gran cantidad de consecuencias negativas para su bienestar personal y financiero.

      Nuestros abogados de discapacidad del Seguro Social quieren ayudar a todos los residentes lesionados de Las Vegas, Reno, Henderson y todo el estado de Nevada. Lo guiaremos a través de la solicitud de beneficios del Seguro Social, brindándole la mejor oportunidad posible de ser aceptado.

      Programar una consulta gratuita

      Póngase en contacto con Shook y Stone hoy

      Los abogados del Seguro Social de Las Vegas en Shook & Stone tienen más de 85 años de experiencia legal combinada y han recuperado más de $500 millones en compensación para nuestros clientes en todo Nevada y sus alrededores.

      Si está buscando asistencia legal con experiencia y conocimiento con su reclamo de Incapacidad del Seguro Social, comuníquese con nuestra firma hoy .